Thursday, August 24, 2006

The EU eLearning Conference 2006 has opened own blog and wiki

The EU eLearning Conference 2006 was held in Dipoli (Espoo, Finland) during the opening week of Finland’s EU Presidency in July 2006. The conference brought experts from the fields of technology, education and training, research, industry and governmental organisations together to discuss the European vision on the role of technology in promoting lifelong learning, innovation and desirable change.

The event has opened own Conference blog and Conference wiki. Conference blog includes reportages from the event. The Conference wiki is based on the same principles as the world's largest encyclopedia, Wikipedia. From wiki you may find also some of the presentations of the conference. People can add new contents in the Conference Wiki related to the theme of the EU eLearning Conference.

The Conference was organized by the European Commission DG Education and Culture, DG Information Society and Media, and Lifelong Learning Institute Dipoli at Helsinki University of Technology and was held in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, Finland.